What size is a mobile billboard?

What Size is a Mobile Billboard?


Imagine driving through the bustling streets of Chicago, where every corner promises a new adventure. Amidst this urban jungle, an eye-catching mobile billboard grabs your attention, leaving an indelible mark on your memory. But what makes these mobile billboards so effective? How big are they, and why should marketers consider them? In this article, we unravel the mystery behind the sizes of mobile billboards and explore their profound impact on advertising in Chicago.

  • Understanding Mobile Billboards
  • Standard Sizes of Mobile Billboards
  • Benefits of Mobile Billboard Advertising
  • Key Takeaways
  • FAQs
  • Conclusion

Understanding Mobile Billboards

Mobile billboards are a revolutionary form of outdoor advertising that transforms the traditional concept of static billboards. Mounted on trucks or other vehicles, these billboards roam the streets, reaching a wider audience. They combine the best of digital technology with mobility to create dynamic, engaging advertisements that capture attention effortlessly. But just how big are these billboards?

Standard Sizes of Mobile Billboards

When it comes to mobile billboards, size matters. The standard dimensions for these moving marvels typically range from 10 feet by 22 feet to 12 feet by 24 feet. However, these numbers can vary based on the vehicle’s size and the specific requirements of the advertising campaign. Think of them as giants parading through the streets, turning heads and sparking curiosity.

10’ x 22’ Mobile Billboards

This size is a popular choice for many advertisers. It offers ample space for creative designs and impactful messages while maintaining the agility to navigate through urban areas. Imagine a vivid canvas, large enough to be seen from afar yet compact enough to travel through busy streets.

12’ x 24’ Mobile Billboards

For those looking to make an even bolder statement, the 12 feet by 24 feet mobile billboard is the go-to option. This colossal display ensures maximum visibility and leaves a lasting impression. Picture a giant movie screen on wheels, broadcasting your message to everyone it passes by.

Benefits of Mobile Billboard Advertising

Why should marketers embrace mobile billboard advertising? The reasons are as vast as the streets they travel on. Here are some key benefits:

  • High Visibility: Mobile billboards are hard to miss, especially in traffic-congested areas.
  • Targeted Reach: They can be strategically routed to specific locations, ensuring your message reaches the desired audience.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to traditional advertising methods, mobile billboards offer a higher return on investment.
  • Flexibility: Advertisements can be easily updated or changed according to marketing needs.

For more insight into why mobile billboard advertising is a game-changer for marketers in Chicago, check out our dedicated page on Mobile Digital Billboard Advertising in Chicago.

Key Takeaways

  • Mobile billboards offer dynamic and engaging advertisements.
  • The standard sizes range from 10’ x 22’ to 12’ x 24’.
  • They provide high visibility, targeted reach, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility.


Is it worth it to get a billboard?

Absolutely! The effectiveness of billboards, especially mobile ones, lies in their ability to capture attention and engage audiences. For a deeper dive into the value of getting a billboard, visit our article on Is it worth it to get a billboard?.

How much does 1 billboard cost?

The cost of a billboard can vary significantly based on its size, location, and duration of the advertisement. To get detailed insights into the costs involved, check out our comprehensive guide on How much does 1 billboard cost?.

Can you advertise anything on a billboard?

While billboards offer great flexibility, there are guidelines and regulations on what can be advertised. To understand these better, read our post on Can you advertise anything on a billboard?.


Mobile billboards are not just giant advertisements; they are moving storytellers that bring brands closer to people. Their impressive sizes and dynamic presence make them an invaluable tool for any marketer looking to make a significant impact. As you strategize your next campaign in the vibrant city of Chicago, consider the power of mobile billboards to drive your message home.

To learn more about how mobile billboards can revolutionize your advertising approach, explore our webpage on Moving LED Billboard Advertising.

Ready to transform your marketing strategy? Dive into the world of mobile digital billboard advertising today!
